First Name | Sevim |
Nickname | sevim.sara |
Country | Germany |
Purpose | Maintain and further develop INVITE CIRCUIT! 🙂 |
Referral Code Section
Website Name | Airbnb |
Category | Travel & Tourism |
The Offer | 50 EUR off your first order |
Comment | Ask me if the link is not valid any more 🙂 |
Referral / Website Link | https://www.airbnb.com/c/pJVWquB9ipKe87DP?unique_share_id=2537287f-a0ed-460c-a5ec-8ece45f76c8e |
Website Name | airalo |
Category | Travel & Tourism |
The Offer | 3 EUR off your first (travel) eSIM |
Comment | BUT: Currently you get a free eSIM as a new customer on the website! 😉 |
Referral / Website Link | |
Website Name | Asos |
Category | Clothing & Fashion |
The Offer | 20% discount code |
Referral / Website Link | |
Website Name | Canva |
Category | E-Commerce & Retail |
The Offer | 1 premium photo, icon or illustration for free |
Referral / Website Link | |
Website Name | CapCut |
Category | (Online) Services / Platforms |
The Offer | Free 7-day-trial for CapCut Pro |
Referral / Website Link | https://www.capcut.com/capcut_pc_web/fission_receive?code=yNBaEh75435205&lng=en |
Website Name | crypto.com |
Category | Financial Services |
The Offer | Unkown reward |
Referral / Website Link | https://referral.crypto.com/signup?_branch_match_id=1254133607830240059 |
Website Name | Comdirect Checking Accunt (Girokonto) |
Category | Financial Services |
Referral / Website Link | http://www.comdirect.de/pbl/a.do?rd=/cms/lp/kwk-giro.html&ci=201012740000000EM000000000000&wc=17PS2 |
Website Name | Comdirect depot |
Category | Financial Services |
The Offer | Free savings & cash bonus |
Referral / Website Link | https://www.comdirect.de/cms/lp/kwk-depot.html?ci=201012740000000EM000000000000&wc=SU95K |
Website Name | Comdirect JuniorGiro |
Category | Financial Services |
The Offer | Cash bonus |
Referral / Website Link | https://www.comdirect.de/cms/lp/kwk-juniorgiro.html?ci=201012740000000EM000000000000&wc=934Z1 |
Website Name | Comdirect Tagesgeld PLUS account |
Category | Financial Services |
The Offer | Cash bonus |
Referral / Website Link | https://www.comdirect.de/cms/lp/kwk-tgp.html?ci=201012740000000EM000000000000&wc=SCL3M |
Website Name | Comdirect cominvest |
Category | Financial Services |
The Offer | Cash bonus |
Referral / Website Link | https://www.comdirect.de/cms/lp/kwk-cominvest.html?ci=201012740000000EM000000000000&wc=1DWM6 |
Website Name | Comdirect JuniorDepot |
Category | Financial Services |
The Offer | Free savings & cash bonus |
Referral / Website Link | https://www.comdirect.de/cms/lp/kwk-juniordepot.html?ci=201012740000000EM000000000000&wc=8TW09 |
Website Name | Commerzbank |
Category | Financial Services |
The Offer | 100 EUR on your checking account |
Referral / Website Link | |
Website Name | Eversports |
Category | Health, Fitness & Wellness |
The Offer | 5 EUR discount |
Referral Code | SEVIMHV36K |
Website Name | Everyfoods |
Category | Food & Beverages |
The Offer | 40% off your order |
Referral / Website Link | |
Website Name | fiverr |
Category | E-Commerce & Retail |
The Offer | 10% off your first order |
Referral / Website Link | |
Website Name | fraenk |
Category | Entertainment & Media |
The Offer | + 4 GB every month |
Referral / Website Link | |
Website Name | Gothaer Generalagentur Fabian Myschi |
Category | Financial Services |
The Offer | 15 EUR amazon voucher |
Referral / Website Link | |
Referral Code | Silvester |
Website Name | HelloFresh |
Category | Food & Beverages |
The Offer | 1. Box gratis + 'leckere' Rabatte auf die nächsten 8 Boxen |
Comment | EINMALIGER Code, für die erste Person, die ihn nutzt – schreib mir also gerne, falls dem so sei, dann nehme ich den Link danach raus 🙂 |
Referral / Website Link | |
Referral Code | B9724-6836 |
Website Name | lenstore |
Category | Health, Fitness & Wellness |
The Offer | 10% discount on your first order |
Referral / Website Link | |
Website Name | Löwenanteil |
Category | Food & Beverages |
The Offer | 10€ discount |
Referral / Website Link | |
Website Name | McFit |
Category | Health, Fitness & Wellness |
The Offer | Until 31.07.: 2 months free |
Referral Code | https://www.mcfit.com/checkout?validForm=false&ghostStudio=true&step=contract-selection |
Website Name | Miles & More Mastercard (Private Individual) |
Category | Financial Services |
The Offer | Higher chances to get the Mastercard to start selecting points |
Referral / Website Link | https://www.miles-and-more-kreditkarte.com/empfehlung-privat |
Referral Code | Add my name (Sevim Sara Hohmeister) and my Miles & More card number (9922 2036 1840 642) in the application |
Website Name | Miles & More Mastercard (Self-employed) |
Category | Financial Services |
The Offer | Higher chances to get the Mastercard to start selecting points |
Referral / Website Link | |
Referral Code | Add my name (Sevim Sara Hohmeister) and my Miles & More card number (9922 2036 1840 642) in the application |
Website Name | mintos |
Category | Financial Services |
The Offer | 1% investment bonus (first 90 days) & 50€ start bonus for investments of 1000€ or more |
Referral / Website Link | |
Website Name | N26 |
Category | Financial Services |
The Offer | Unkown benefit |
Referral / Website Link | |
Website Name | PAYBACK |
Category | Financial Services |
The Offer | 200 PAYBACK Points |
Referral / Website Link | |
Website Name | Paypal |
Category | Financial Services |
The Offer | 10 EUR Bonus |
Referral / Website Link | |
Website Name | Revolut |
Category | Financial Services |
The Offer | Unkown reward |
Comment | Ask me for the newest code, it affects the deadline! |
Referral / Website Link | https://revolut.com/referral/?referral-code=sevim6kly!JUL1-24-AR |
Website Name | smartsteuer.de |
Category | Financial Services |
The Offer | Save 5 EUR |
Referral / Website Link | |
Website Name | SiteGround |
Category | E-Commerce & Retail |
The Offer | Unkown reward |
Referral / Website Link | |
Website Name | TIER |
Category | Travel & Tourism |
The Offer | 50% off the next 5 rides |
Referral / Website Link | https://tier.go.link/aph3zbb/?adj_t=aph3zbb&adj_label=d3d5aa49-b1f8-4125-8667-8ca6d9e4cb03 |
Website Name | VIVO Life |
Category | Health, Fitness & Wellness |
The Offer | 25% off your first order |
Referral / Website Link | |
Website Name | Urban Sport Clubs |
Category | Health, Fitness & Wellness |
The Offer | 15 EUR bonus |
Referral / Website Link | |
Referral Code | SH52643 |
Website Name | weinfürst |
Category | Food & Beverages |
The Offer | 30€ discount on your first order |
Comment | or 40 EUR discount on a minimum purchase of 80 EUR with this manual code: V699WF84X |
Referral / Website Link | |